Bottom Line:
Midwives, doulas, and OB-GYN’s can all be important during pregnancy. Each has a unique role to play, whether that’s support, education, or even delivery. Your prenatal team is there to make sure you have a safe and memorable birth experience, and when it comes to relieving pregnancy-related back pain, there is no better choice than a Chiropractor.
Why it Matters:
Chiropractors around the world work hand in hand with midwives, doulas, and OB-GYNs. For a Chiropractor, their role is to help an expecting mum stay active, pain-free, and as comfortable as possible both before and after her delivery.
– Over 90% of women will experience low back and pelvic pain during pregnancy.
– Women receiving Chiropractic care during pregnancy report an improved quality of life and less pain.
– Chiropractic and obstetric care together result in greater pain reduction than obstetric care alone.
Next Steps:
Take this handout and share it with your OB-GYN, midwife, or doula. Let them know you have a Chiropractor on your prenatal care team! Show them that research supports the use of Chiropractic care during pregnancy. This is the “evidence” they may need to know it’s a smart decision.
Science Source:
A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing a Multimodal Intervention and Standard Obstetrics Care for Low Back and Pelvic Pain in Pregnancy. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2012 Oct 2
Chiropractic Treatment of a Pregnant Patient with Lumbar Radiculopathy
Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, 2007. 6. 153-158