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We love our kids and always encourage them to be their very best. Well, if your children get adjusted, science now says your kids are getting physically stronger. When it comes to kids and sports, stronger often means better…
Newry & Banbridge Chiropractic Blog
Providing tips for the treatment of back and neck pain
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We love our kids and always encourage them to be their very best. Well, if your children get adjusted, science now says your kids are getting physically stronger. When it comes to kids and sports, stronger often means better…
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In the last few years, alarming news about opioids has come to light, and it hasn’t been pretty. In 2016, over 500,000 people were hospitalized – and 33,000 died – due to these dangerous drugs. Many of these individuals were taking medications for spine-related pain. While this tragedy has fractured countless families around the world, it has also inspired a fresh look at treatment options that don’t include these dangerous drugs.
Why it Matters:
Top researchers have been looking for safer alternatives to not only prevent people from getting addicted to these medications but also to help those who are already taking them ween off. What they discovered may surprise you. Not only were conservative options extremely effective at keeping people off opioids, but natural care (including Chiropractic) was cited as one of the primary options people could use to help get off these medications for good.
– Nationally, opioid-related ER visits increased 99.4% between 2005 and 2014.
– Over 500,000 hospitalizations were recorded due to opioids in 2016.
– Adjustments have been shown to provide more pain relief than many commonly prescribed medications.
Next Steps:
Addiction to opioid medications can happen to anyone – rich or poor, young or old. These drugs are potent and dangerous. The chemistry of these medications can overtake anyone’s willpower, but with a team or multidisciplinary approach, the vicious cycle can be broken, and you can get your life back. Share this article with a friend who may be struggling. It just may save their life.
Science Source:
Hospitalizations Related to Opioid Abuse/Dependence and Associated Serious Infections from 2002 to 2012
Spinal High-Velocity Low Amplitude Manipulation in Acute Nonspecific Low Back Pain: a Double-Blinded Randomized Controlled Trial in Comparison with Diclofenac and Placebo. Spine 2013
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Thomas Edison famously once said, “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and the cause and prevention of disease.”
With medical journals now supporting the use of Chiropractic adjustments as a primary recommendation for spine pain, it seems that his vision has come true. For over 100 years, Chiropractors have been focused on helping people improve their quality of life and reduce their pain – without the use of drugs or surgery.
Why it Matters:
The Annals of Internal Medicine and groups such as the American College of Physicians have recently released guidelines that show medications should only be used as a last resort, not the first option for those suffering from pain. Even if you have suffered from chronic pain for years, this evidence-based approach may be the key for you to find lasting relief. Active exercise, Chiropractic adjustments, and a positive attitude have been shown to be an extremely effective combination to reduce pain and improving the functional abilities of those suffering from spine pain. The best part? This carries none of the dangerous and sometimes fatal side effects of opioid medications.
– Spinal adjustments are a preferred first treatment choice for spinal or chronic pain.
– The movement that happens during a spinal adjustment provides pain relief and facilities healing.
– Acetaminophen provided no more relief than placebo in clinical trials.
Next Steps:
Chiropractic is one of the most popular (and safe) conservative healthcare professions in the world. A variety of medical publications are now advocating for the use of Chiropractic adjustments, and patient satisfaction is at an all-time high. Unfortunately, many people in our community still don’t know about Chiropractic care. We believe the use of conservative care, such as Chiropractic, can save lives.
Want to be an advocate for a healthier community? Simply like and share our Facebook page!
Science Source:
Noninvasive Treatments for Acute, Subacute, and Chronic Low Back Pain: A Clinical Practice Guideline from the American College of Physicians. Annals of Internal Medicine 2017
Spinal High-Velocity Low Amplitude Manipulation in Acute Nonspecific Low Back Pain: a Double-Blinded Randomized Controlled Trial in Comparison with Diclofenac and Placebo. Spine 2013
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For years, opioid medications were commonly prescribed for people with. As a matter of fact, doctors have written enough opioid prescriptions for every adult in the US to have a bottle. This practice has led to the devastation of millions of lives. Thankfully, recent guidelines have been urging physicians to try natural, conservative healthcare BEFORE resorting to the prescription of dangerous medications.
Why it Matters:
Many people suffering from chronic pain end up stacking multiple medications in a losing effort to find relief. Your body is incredibly smart. When it is exposed to a medication or drug, it begins to build up a tolerance. That means you need to take more of the medication or drug the next time for it to have the same effect. As a result, you take more and more of the medication (or add on new medications) to find the same amount of relief. It’s this case of diminishing returns that increases your risk of a fatal drug interaction.
– Roughly 21% to 29% of patients prescribed opioids for chronic pain misuse them.
– An estimated 40% of opioid overdose deaths involved a prescription opioid.
– Studies suggest 6 in 10 drug overdose deaths are caused by opioids.
– Research has shown that Chiropractic adjustments can provide more relief than medications.
Next Steps:
We want to help as many people as possible avoid falling into opioid addiction. By working together with patients like you, we can make an impact in our community. Share this article with someone who is looking for a natural approach to pain relief.
Science Source(s):
Rates of Opioid Misuse, Abuse, and Addiction in Chronic Pain: a Systematic Review and Data Synthesis. Pain. 2015
Spinal High-Velocity Low Amplitude Manipulation in Acute Nonspecific Low Back Pain: a Double-Blinded Randomized Controlled Trial in Comparison with Diclofenac and Placebo. Spine 2013
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Up to one-third of Americans live with chronic pain on a daily basis, and many have become reliant upon opioids to treat it. It seems as though a day doesn’t pass without seeing a tragic story linked to opioids in the news. And while these medications were created to help people live a better life, over 100 people per day are now dying due to overdoses. Some publications have even called them more addictive than street drugs like cocaine and heroin. The bottom line is that health is rarely, if ever, found in a bottle.
Why it Matters:
Chronic pain can be debilitating. The constant pain can keep you from working, enjoying hobbies, and is even linked with depression. Many people have been led to believe that their only escape is to take more and more medications, but exciting new research has begun to showcase that movement and exercise can help you feel better both physically and mentally.
– In 2015, over two million Americans were addicted to prescription pain relievers.
– From 1999 to 2008, overdose death rates quadrupled (as did the sales of these drugs),
– The likelihood of filling prescriptions for opioids is 55% lower for Chiropractic recipients.
Next Steps:
First, congratulations on taking a proactive approach to your healthcare. You are in the right practice. Our team is dedicated to helping you achieve your healthcare goals and to restoring your quality of life. Many people in pain are afraid to move their bodies, thinking they could make things worse – but, don’t be scared, our team will help get you moving safely, and you’ll be feeling better before you know it!
Science Source:
Association Between Utilization of Chiropractic Services for Treatment of Low-Back Pain and Use of Prescription Opioids. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2018
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Pinched nerves are not exactly what most people would call a good time. A pinched or compressed nerve can cause pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness in your arm or leg. It can be debilitating! When the nerves are leaving your spinal column they have very little protection. And if a disc, ligament, or bone spur get near a nerve…ouch! The pain can start there and then travel the entire length of that nerve root resulting in pain that radiates into your arms and legs. Let’s just say that your nerves don’t like being pushed around.
Why it Matters:
The good news is that you can experience a lot of relief by taking the pressure off of the nerves. Research has shown that chiropractic adjustments can help reduce the pinching or compression on those delicate nerves roots. And with less pressure on the nerve, you can finally find relief.
– Your nerves communicate with every organ, tissue, and cell in your body
– Bone spurs, ligament overgrowth, or disc problems can cause pressure on these nerves
– Adjustments gently open the holes, or canals, of your spine, thereby decreasing the pressure on the nerves to help you function and feel better!
Next Steps:
Take a look around and do some “people watching” today. You will see that many people walk crooked or bent over towards one side. Sometimes this is the result of a pinched nerve. They are trying to lean away from the pain and open up those nerve channels. But, by staying active, maintaining a full range of motion, and getting periodic chiropractic care- you can count on standing tall for years to come!
Science Source:
Cervical radiculopathy: a systematic review on treatment by spinal manipulation and measurement with the Neck Disability Index. Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association 2012. Symptomatic, MRI Confirmed, Lumbar Disc Herniations: A Comparison of Outcomes Depending on the Type and Anatomical Axial Location of the Hernia in Patients Treated With High-Velocity, Low-Amplitude Spinal Manipulation. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. 2016.
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Your life is experienced through your nervous system. Think about that. Every thought, breath, heartbeat, memory, and movement happens in coordination with your central nervous system. Researchers have found that nerve signals can travel from your brain to your body at more than 250 miles per hour. Your brain is the master control system of your body with signals and messages starting in the brain and then heading out and down to your body. But can messages travel the other way? What if I told you there are ways you can impact your brain by moving your spine? It’s true…
Why it Matters:
Top researchers have found that specific movements of the spine, including the motion that happens during a chiropractic adjustment, can provide a multitude of benefits to your brain and nervous system. Adjustments activate the nerves that detect and sense motion. When those nerves are activated, it stops (or gates) the nerves that deliver pain signals. That is one of the reasons why adjustments provide pain relief. They literally “turn off” the pain sensors! Perhaps even more exciting is the emerging research that has shown adjustments can increase cortical drive. That’s a fancy way of saying researchers have found adjustments can make you stronger!
– Your entire life is experienced through your central nervous system- every thought, memory, and action.
– Movement of your spine can activate your central nervous system and brain
– Emerging research has shown chiropractic adjustments can help reduce pain, improve function, and even increase strength!
Next Steps:
Chiropractic care has been helping people live their best life for over 100 years. Having a higher quality of life and feeling better (with less pain) are two of the most popular reasons why people seek chiropractic care. But new research into sports performance, strength, and how the adjustment can improve brain function have a lot of people excited. We would love to hear how chiropractic care has changed your life. Stop by the front desk and tell us your story today!
Science Source:
Mechanism of action of spinal manipulative therapy. Joint, Bone, Spine 2003. Neurophysiological effects of spinal manipulation. Spine Journal 2002.
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You turn your head or bend down to lift something and “CRACK”! What is it? Did you injure something? The first time that happens can be terrifying. Well, you don’t need to worry. That cracking sound is probably not a broken bone. It typically occurs in the facet joints, or knuckles, of your spinal column and it’s completely normal. Your facet joints are designed to help your spine move through a full range of motion.
Why it Matters:
The facets are little joints on the back side of your spine. Similar to your knuckles, they have a small capsule around them for lubrication and support. When a facet joint is stretched open, gas within the joint is released, making a crunch or cracking sound. The release of gas is perfectly normal and happens because of the negative pressure in the joint. Sometimes adhesions can occur in the joint making it painful to move. That is why after a chiropractic adjustment many people feel better and have an improved range of motion. Adjustments help the facet joints move more naturally with fewer restrictions.
– Cracks and pops in your back and neck are typically caused by the release of gas within the joint (like a knuckle)
– Adhesions in the joints of your spine can restrict your range of motion and contribute to degenerative changes
– Adjustments reduce the adhesions in the fact joints resulting in pain relief and an improved range of motion
Next Steps:
While many chiropractic techniques create a “cracking” or “crunching” type sound- not all do. Low-speed techniques also improve the motion of the facet joints, sometimes without any sound at all. And here’s a tip to share with your friends- stubborn headaches are frequently caused by irritated facet joints. If you know someone who suffers from headaches and works on a computer most of the day- their facet joints may be to blame. Share this paper with them and let them know a chiropractic adjustment may be just what they need!
Science Source:
Effects of side-posture positioning and side-posture adjusting on the lumbar zygapophysial joints as evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging: a before and after study with randomization. JMPT 2000. Neurophysiological effects of spinal manipulation. The Spine Journal 2002.
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Spinal discs are the shock absorbers between the bones, or vertebrae, of your spine. The discs have a tough outer ring and a jelly-like center. Their job is to help us move, bend, and twist while absorbing the weight of gravity. But, over time, our spinal discs can become degenerative. Injuries, aging, and the effects of gravity all contribute to disc degeneration. The good news is that degenerative discs rarely cause pain unless they budge or herniate, placing pressure on the spinal nerves. So how you can slow down the degenerative process and keep your discs healthy? Keep reading…
Why it Matters:
Top research journals have recently discovered that movement and hydration are two important factors to keep your discs healthy. A well-hydrated disc can more easily adapt to movement and is less prone to injury. Many chiropractic techniques are designed to “pump” your spinal discs. This motion helps bring nutrients into the disc and pushes out inflammation and waste. That is a fancy way to say that chiropractic care can help keep your spinal discs healthy! Here are the key takeaways:
– Your spinal discs act as small shock absorbers between the bones of your spine
– Movement helps bring nutrients into the disc and pushes out waste and inflammation; helping them stay healthy
– Torn, herniated, or bulged discs can cause pain by irritating the nearby nerves. Researchers have found chiropractic care to be one of the best ways to heal and feel better!
Next Steps:
A combination of chiropractic care and staying well-hydrated are two ways to keep your spinal discs healthy and pain-free. But, don’t forget to stay active between your adjustments. And here is one more tip to slow down Father Time- daily exercise and stretching. Exercise and stretching will not only keep you fit and trim but can also potentially slow down the degenerative changes of your spine keeping you healthy and active for many years to come!
Science Source:
The Effect of Sustained Compression on Oxygen Metabolic Transport in the Intervertebral Disc Decreases with Degenerative Changes. Computational Biology 2011
Running exercise strengthens the intervertebral disc. Scientific Reports 2017